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The Fallen Star Fallen Star Series Jessica Sorensen Books

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The Fallen Star Fallen Star Series Jessica Sorensen Books

I'm sure I've read this book before, with a different cover and a different name, even a different author ...

A young girl, Bella - I mean Gemma - lives in the remote town of Forks ... sorry, I don't know why this keeps happening! She lives in a remote town called Afton, where the weather is cold and depressing. Gemma is noticeably clumsy, and drives a clunky old car. She's super pretty though, she just doesn't realise it.

She meets Edw- no, wait, his name is Alex. Alex is like totally the hottest guy you could ever imagine, but he seems to loathe her on sight and spends a lot of time glaring at her during class, where they sit together. His sister is perky and friendly and seems really eager for them to get along. Suddenly one day Alex seems to decide he likes her after all, and takes her out to the woods where he shows her something sparkly and secret.

I am not making this up.

Gemma and Alex switch from anger to giddiness to crushing disappointment pretty much within the same sentences. She ends up in some kind of bizarre situation where people want to kill her because she is a special snowflake, and there are supernatural creatures such as vampires and such.

If you are having withdrawls now that the Twilight series is over, give this a go.

Read The Fallen Star Fallen Star Series Jessica Sorensen Books

Tags : The Fallen Star: Fallen Star Series (9781461052142): Jessica Sorensen: Books,Jessica Sorensen,The Fallen Star: Fallen Star Series,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1461052149,Fantasy - General,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & Magic,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction : Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile FictionFantasy & Magic,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Love & Romance,PRINT ON DEMAND,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,Young Adult Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic

The Fallen Star Fallen Star Series Jessica Sorensen Books Reviews

I so hate cliff hangers! It's not a complete story without a conclusion. I would've easily given this four stars until that "not" ending. Shame on you! I'm sorry to be so harsh. If I hadn't been enjoying it so much, I wouldn't have been so angry. I'm almost afraid to start the next one now. But I probably will.

I had to return to say I give the illustrator a full five stars! The drawing of just the one violet eye and the chosen font combine to make a stunning cover.

One more addition. After looking at the cover again, it doesn't look like a drawing. It looks like an enhanced photo. I love it either way. Just an observation.
I read, a lot and I can put up with the most ridiculous books most of the time, but this one I can't even get through. It's terribly written, every paragraph is redundant so far, not to mention there isn't any character development, and is so Twilight reminiscent in the way the boy hates the main character. The use of the word electric is so over the top that I think I have read it well over a dozen times in the first 30 pages of the book. Usually when I read I am taken away into their lives, but not this one, my own boring life is more intriguing than this book is so far and it's easy to put down, actually I did put it down three times to watch TV instead... it's really not that great, and at least it didn't cost me anything or else I would he upset, if it were 0.99$ I would have wanted my money back! I haven't gotten that far into it and am hesitant to continue on... maybe it gets better? I don't have any hope for that currently.
The Fallen Star, how to explain this one... First off, I really like Jessica Sorensen's writing and this story intrigued me after reading the first chapter. But some parts seemed to drag on way longer than necessary. and it took more time than I care to admit to finish this book. That could be because I'm in a huge reading slump - not the book's fault.

Now, the plot was great, I cannot find any fault there. This was somewhat different to what is currently popular on the market. I was also surprised by how much was included into this plot, without seeming as too much or getting lost in the story. This added to the interest of what could happen next.

I loved Alex - the male lead character. Gemma, as the main protagonist, was sometimes too repetitive and this could contribute to the slow read, but I still think that there is a lot of growth opportunity there for her. The other smaller characters have definite stories to tell, and I'm hoping that these will be featured in the next installment.

The cover is stunning and what first drew me to pick up this book in the first place. Sometimes I think that the best stories are never read because the cover did not entice readers into picking it up.

Overall, I'd say this is an easy read for when you don't know what to read next but still crave something with a great plot.
This story wasn't awful, but I did feel like I had read it before. By the time I got about halfway through this book (which is very short by the way) I realized that I was basically reading a cheap version of The Mortal Instruments (by Cassandra Clare).
The main love interest, Alex, behaves very similarly to Jace from the Mortal Instruments. The girl reminded me an awful lot of Clary, and Alex's sister was almost exactly like Isabelle.
I can't even remember what the bad guy's name was, but as far as his motivations and personality are concerned, he is basically Valentine.
Of course, there was also the plot point of the bad guy going after the girl's mother (where have I heard that before) and the girl being special due to some nonsense with angels and stars. Some details are different, but all the characters and basic story premises feel the same.
The only good thing I can really say about this book is that it was free.
It is really a shame because the first chapter piqued my interest, until it became a cheap clone of The Mortal Instruments.
I'm sure I've read this book before, with a different cover and a different name, even a different author ...

A young girl, Bella - I mean Gemma - lives in the remote town of Forks ... sorry, I don't know why this keeps happening! She lives in a remote town called Afton, where the weather is cold and depressing. Gemma is noticeably clumsy, and drives a clunky old car. She's super pretty though, she just doesn't realise it.

She meets Edw- no, wait, his name is Alex. Alex is like totally the hottest guy you could ever imagine, but he seems to loathe her on sight and spends a lot of time glaring at her during class, where they sit together. His sister is perky and friendly and seems really eager for them to get along. Suddenly one day Alex seems to decide he likes her after all, and takes her out to the woods where he shows her something sparkly and secret.

I am not making this up.

Gemma and Alex switch from anger to giddiness to crushing disappointment pretty much within the same sentences. She ends up in some kind of bizarre situation where people want to kill her because she is a special snowflake, and there are supernatural creatures such as vampires and such.

If you are having withdrawls now that the Twilight series is over, give this a go.
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